5 Benefits of using Video for Business and Training

Viewing videos for learning and development on laptop

Visual imagery has become our preferred way of learning about a product or service and using video helps us to retain much more of the content we review. 

Making the decision to create video material for your business can feel like a big challenge, in particular if this is a new venture for you and your team.

Using video for learning and development provides a significant benefit for both your company and your employees.  Incorporating video into training material is a growing trend – with 88% of companies reporting in the 2021 Training Industry Report, that they use virtual classroom and video material in their training strategy.

Here are 5 great reasons to incorporate video into your training strategy:


With growing trends moving towards online & blended learning (which has been accelerated by the pandemic) using video material adds more flexibility to the training sessions.

In addition to viewing the videos during the classroom session, this training material can be shared with trainees in advance or afterwards, so that they can review the material online in their own time.

With more people viewing information online and using mobile devices, this makes the video material more accessible.  In fact 75% of video views are now on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Using short, clear modules, with visual cues to explain or outline a particular topic, will enhance the retention rate of the trainee.  It is recognised that using visual imagery to share important messages can enhance recall of the information by up to 65% – over 3 days later!

As we continue the shift towards obtaining and retaining our information and knowledge through short visual segments, video based learning is a format for consideration.

Improve Interaction

Some training courses by their nature or subject matter may be deemed ‘boring’ or approached as an exercise to complete so that a box can be ticked!  Attendees may have to take part due to company requirements or regulation.  By including video into the program the trainer can add interactive elements to the training session.

For example, a short video clip covering a specific topic can be viewed and this can be followed by a discussion of the key learning points.

The inclusion of a short questionnaire following the video can also add an interactive element.

The use of subtitles or key items as text on screen increases the accessibility for those who may speak different languages or who may have hearing difficulties.

Induction Videos – Consistency of Message

Training material can have elements that are very repetitive.  Instead of having a trainer explain and repeat the same message(s) over and over – this segment could be recorded on video, to be viewed when necessary.  This will also ensure that the message is consistent and any critical items will not be inadvertently omitted.

An example of this is employee induction information.  The company culture and processes can be communicated clearly to any new employees on video and this will allow the material to be referenced on an ongoing basis.

The trainer can then focus on the elements that may change more regularly or on the aspects that will need to be delivered in person.

Upskilling & Personal Development

Many organisations encourage ongoing personal development and there are many industries where annual CPD training is a requirement.

By incorporating video into the learning and development strategy, this helps to minimise the need to travel or take part in the training in a specific location.

The flexibility in relation to access is a major advantage – for example videos can be viewed during the commute to work, at home in the evening or at a designated time during the work-day.

Ongoing training and upskilling can help employees with their career path and retaining employees is important for businesses, especially in the current post-pandemic world.

Passive Income Stream

Your business may have unique quality content that you could share and sell externally. Is there a way that you could share this online through video?  This would allow you to earn passive income through the video material.

Example training video clips from our recent projects:


Video Vision calls

If you would like to chat about creating videos or speaking on camera, you can book a free Video Vision call with us!
This is your opportunity to clarify the message you’d like to share with your target audience and explore which type of video material would help you achieve your goals.

Book your free 30 minute no obligation Video Vision call today